Sunday, September 23, 2007

Week 4 - RSS feeds

I love the idea of RSS feeds!!! It was OK to add sites I liked to my 'favourites' but that meant I had to keep remembering to check if there were any updates, and sometimes the updates wouldn't be obvious from the homepage of the site. It also meant that I couldn't check for updates from other computers, unless I remembered the URLs, as favourites are only specific to the machine you are working on (unless there is some other way to share them, short of networking 2 or more PCs).

I did dabble with RSS over 12 months ago, using SharpReader - this is a client that I downloaded to my laptop that I would put the RSS feeds into and it would regularly check for updates. At the time, not many sites were RSS enabled, so the content of SharpReader was a bit limited. I also would forget to open it, so it was starting to get a bit pointless.

I love the idea of a web based reader, because I can access my account anywhere to check for new feeds. Great way to keep up with what is happening.

I have subscribed to 20 different feeds!! I think I'll add some of my favourite blogs to my blogroll. I organised them in different folders so I can read what subject I feel like at the time. It could be library stuff, scrapbooking stuff, Web 2.0 stuff.... I think I'll have a play with Google Reader too. That way I can use the same google account!

I just discovered something really nifty - if i do a spell check, I can double click on the 'unknown' word (or the typo, if that is what it is :-) ) and it will give me a selection to choose from. Cool.

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