Thursday, September 13, 2007

23 things Week 1 Lifelong Learning

Listening to the podcast made me realise that I have always been a lifelong learner, I just didn't know that there was a name for it, or maybe there has only been a name for it in the last few years??

A fellow colleague mentioned that his/her first learning was structured learning, through the education system. This is true but I think lifelong learning is more than that. The education system is something we all have to participate in, it is a legal requirement up to a certain age. While we can start our journey to lifelong learning during school, if we are inquisitive enough to ask questions, I really feel that lifelong learning begins when we take on the responsibility to learn for ourselves. Yes this can happen at school, but I think that we place more importance on this as adults.

Knowledge is something I have always looked out for - how to do something better, faster or more effectively, new roles, multiskilling - all very important to me in my working life as I looked for ways to increase my knowledge and challenge myself. It didn't matter if I was paid extra for this or not. By doing this, I was learning all the time.

I love learning new things and I love helping people learn new things. That is what is so great about this programme, that ability to learn and to learn through play.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

YAY! Well said- absolutely, we are all 'lifelong' learners and it is as valid a learning system as a structured recognised one. We learn everyday and I feel that we often retain what we learn better if we have fun learning it- so hopefully that will apply here!
Good luck and keep up the great work!